Product Overview
HGLTV414-2 Heavy Top-Flange Hanger for Engineered Lumber (SCL)
The HGLTV is designed for structural composite lumber header (SCL) applications that require high loads. This heavy top-flange hanger features holes specifically located to prevent degradation of the header due to splitting of laminations. The Funnel Flange™ design allows for easy installation of beams.
Key Features
- Versatile and heavy welded design allows for many modifications
- Installs easily with Funnel Flange and with standard 16d common (0.162" x 3 1/2") nails
- Can be welded to steel beam members
- 3 ga. top flange; 7 ga. stirrup
- Simpson Strong-Tie gray paint. Hot-dip galvanized is available; specify HDG.
- Use all specified fasteners. Verify that the header can take the required fasteners specified in the table.
- For attaching to multi-ply headers, refer to technical bulletin Top-Flange Hanger Reductions for Multiple-Ply Headers (T-C-MPLYHEADR).
- Flatten edge of header to match top-flange radius.
- Bevel-cut the carried beam for skewed hangers.
- For hangers exceeding the joist height by more than 1/2", allowable load is 50% of the table load.
- May be used for weld-on applications. Minimum required weld is a 1/4" x 2 1/2" fillet weld at each end of the top flange; see General Instructions for the Installer, note k, for weld information. Weld-on applications produce maximum loads listed. For uplift loads, refer to technical bulletin Top-Flange Hangers Welded to Structural Steel Members (T-C-WELDUPLFT).
- May be installed on ledgers provided the ledgers are made of 4x solid sawn or 3 1/2" SCL shown in the table below. Thinner ledgers must be evaluated by the building designer.
- Hot-dip galvanized; specify HDG.
- Seats may be skewed to a maximum of 50° and/or sloped to a maximum of 45°.
- When seat is sloped, the maximum allowable load is 9,165 lb.
- When seat is skewed, the maximum allowable load is 7,980 lb. The deflection at full loading may reach 1/4". For skews greater than 15°, multiply the table uplift load by 0.50.
- For sloped and skewed seat combinations, the maximum allowable load is 7,695. The deflection at full loading may reach 1/4". For skews greater than 15", multiply the table uplift load by 0.50".
- Sloped or skewed seat hangers may not be installed in non-backed nailer/header installations.
- Top flange may be sloped down to the left or right as far as 30°. Reduce allowable loads using the following reduction factor based on linear interpolation (90–α)/90, where α is the angle measure from the horizontal. This reduction is not cumulative with other load reductions.
- Top flange may be offset left or right for placement at the end of a header. Minimum seat width is 3 1/4". The maximum allowable load is 0.45. No uplift load is available. Offset top flange and sloped seat is allowed with 0.45 load factor.
- For skewed and offset or skewed only top-flange hangers with inward or outward configuration, the maximum allowable load is the lesser of (a) 45% of the catalog load or (b) 4,300 lb.