Product Overview
HIT418 Heavy I-Joist Top-Flange Hanger
The HIT is designed for standard 90° connections of I-joists to headers. This heavy top-flange hanger features positive-angle nailing (PAN), specifically created for I-joists to minimize splitting. The HIT also features extra triangle holes to allow higher uplift loads.
Key Features
- Time-saving PAN nailing
- Features two face nails to allow for a higher uplift
- Cost-effective solution for standard 90º connections in comparison to welded hangers
- 16 gauge
- Galvanized
- Use all specified fasteners. Verify that the header can take the required fasteners specified in the table.
- See product-specific installation drawings.
- Closed PAN nail holes may be used for increased uplift capacity. See Optional Nailing for Increased Uplift table.
- For sloped joists up to 1/4:12, there’s no reduction; from 1/4:12 up to 1/2:12, tests show a 10% reduction in ultimate hanger strength. Local crushing of the bottom flange or excessive deflection may be limiting; check with joist manufacturer for specific limitations on bearing of this type.