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TJC37 Jack Truss Connector (Carton of 50pcs)

Simpson Strong-Tie

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Retail Price: $234.06
Sale Price: $173.38
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G90 Galvanized
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Product Overview

TJC37 Jack Truss Connector (Carton of 50pcs)

TJC is a versatile connector for jack trusses. Adjustable from 0° to 85° (shipped with 67.5° bend). Nail hole locations allow for easy installation. Minimum nailing option on TJC37 provides faster installation and lower installed cost.


  • 16 ga. (54 mil)


  • Galvanized (G90)


  • Use all specified fasteners; see General Notes.
  • TJC37 can be installed filling round holes only, or filling round and triangle holes for maximum values.
  • To reduce the potential for splitting, install the TJC with a minimum 3/16" edge distance on the chord members.
  • Position the jack truss on the inside of the bend line with the end of the jack truss flush with the bend line.
  • Bend the TJC to the desired position (one bend cycle only).
  • No bevel cut required.
  • Attachment of TJC to the top chord requires the designer to check connection geometry for placement on both carried and carrying chord members. See Top Chord Member Sizes table for suggested chord sizes.
  • Supported jack member is a single 2x.


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