Product Overview
WP410 Welded Purlin Hanger
The WP is designed to support joists on purlins or beams and may be used for wood-to-wood or wood-to-steel applications. This top-flange hanger offers exceptional flexibility and versatility with the ability to be skewed up to 84° and/or sloped to a maximum of 45°. The WP is an economical choice with a low installed cost requiring a small number of nails for maximum downloads.
Key Features
- Highly modifiable with alteration options including opened/closed top flange and offset top flange
- Top flange may be sloped to a maximum of 35° to accommodate a sloped header
- Features a solid one-piece top flange that provides extra stability in panelized roof applications
- Stirrup — 97 mil (12 ga.)
- Simpson Strong-Tie® gray paint. Some models available hot-dip galvanized; specify HDG. See Corrosion Information.
- Use all specified fasteners.
- H dimensions are sized to account for normal joist shrinkage. W dimensions are for dressed timber widths.
- The WP may be used for weld-on applications. The minimum-size weld is a 1 1/2"-long fillet weld to each side of the top flange; weld size to match hanger material thickness. See General Instructions for the Installer, note k for weld information. Weld-on applications have the maximum allowable capacity listed. Uplift loads do not apply to this application. For additional load information, refer to technical bulletin Top-Flange Hangers Welded to Structural Steel Members (T-C-WELDUPLFT).
- Hangers can support multi-ply carried members; the individual members must be secured together to work as a single unit before installation into the hanger.
- Non-modified hangers can support joists sloped up to 1/4:12 using table loads. For joists sloping between 1/4:12 and 3/4:12 use 85% of the table loads. See technical bulletin Sloped Joist in Non-Sloped Hangers (T-C-SLOPEJST).
- If joist is shorter than hanger by more than 1/2" use only 50% of the table loads.
- Web stiffeners are required for these hangers when using engineered wood.
- For attaching to multi-ply headers in engineered wood applications, refer to technical bulletin Top-Flange Hanger Reductions for Multiple-Ply Headers (T-C-MPLYHEADR).